Referrals to Esther Community

We accept referrals through the Homeless Prevention Panel and it is also possible to complete a self referral

Referrals to Esther Community, Exeter

Referrals for 16-17 Homeless and 18+ (with care leaver’s status) can be made through the Homeless Prevention Panel; the YES centre facilitates a forum to discuss referrals on a fortnightly basis.

Referrals for 16-25 in the care of a local authority, within the Peninsula, can be made through the brokerage pathway.

Our philosophy is to take each applicant on a case-by-case basis. This demonstrates our inclusive policy, and we are committed to providing accommodation and support to those with complex needs. Professionals and young people are welcome to arrange a time to visit the project and meet the staff.

An interview will be carried out before an offer of accommodation can be made and references sought. This ensures that the potential client is able to make an informed choice before accepting accommodation and allows staff to assess each applicant’s needs, thereby making sure that the project is suitable for them.

Esther News

Bank Staff Required

The Esther Community provides a high level of accommodation based support to 19 children and young people coping with a variety of issues including, but not limited to, substance misuse, mental...

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Resident's Stories


Phoenix moved into the Esther Community on 10th February 2014; prior to this she had been sofa-surfing at a friend’s house. She said that the immediate perception was one of warmth and.....

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